FORS Silver Success

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Galt Transport have successfully achieved FORS Silver accreditation for the 3rd year in a row.  FORS (Fleet Operators Recognition Scheme) aims to raise the level of quality within fleet operations and demonstrates which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.

To achieve Silver status, the company has invested heavily in safety camera equipment for their 40 strong fleet, staff completed FORS professional training and the company’s policies and procedures had to meet the FORS standard.   

Andrew Galt, Operations Director said: “Achieving our Silver status is a clear demonstration to our customers, staff and supply chain that we are dedicated to quality and continuous improvement.”

The UK wide FORS standard has over 4,600 members and is recognised as the transport industry’s go-to accreditation scheme.  Covering all aspects of safety, efficiency, and environmental protection it encourages and trains fleet operators to measure, monitor and improve performance.